Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Library Affair

A visit to the library is one I consider fun and stress-relieving. It might sound geeky but it's true, Ariel and I love to read and we're trying to share this with our son, Marius. Fortunately, the little tike proved to be bookish at an early age -- Dr. Seuss' classics, The Rainbow Fish, The Giving Tree, etc. -- he really loves books! Now he's fascinated at anything and everything about dinosaurs. 

As for me, one of my unspoken resolutions for 2009 is to read as much books as possible, thanks to the library of course. Here's my January read so far:

1. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch (a gift from Ariel)
2. The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards (another gift from Ariel)
3. The Making of Mia by Ilana Fox
4. A Girl For All Seasons by Camilla Morton

The first book is meant to inspire readers to live life to the fullest, to seize the day. Love it. The author passed away last year, but his memory lives on with his book. 

Reading the second book is like watching a drama movie, but what a nice read! What would you do on a stormy winter night when your wife is about to give birth, you're the only doctor available, and then you help your wife deliver twins -- a healthy baby boy and a baby girl with down syndrome? 

The third book is a no-brainer, kinda lika Ugly Betty and The Devil Wears Prada. No harm done. 

Still reading the fourth book and enjoying it. It's all about history, arts, culture and fashion made more interesting. Can't wait to finish it so I can go back to the library :)

February read: Sepulchere

March read: Perfume : Story of a Murder

April: Some Like it Haute

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